For up to date information on Front Porch’s response to the wildfires in Southern California, [click here](
For up to date information on Front Porch’s response to the wildfires in Southern California, [click here](
Spring Lake Village logo
Santa Rosa, CA
Spring Lake Village

A Front Porch Community


About East Grove

Frequently Asked Questions – Updated April 2024

What is East Grove?

East Grove is the name of a proposed housing neighborhood for seniors in Santa Rosa. It would be an expansion of Spring Lake Village, a Front Porch community.

What is the proposed project?

Front Porch, a non-profit provider of housing and services for seniors, is proposing to add 32 independent residential apartments and a supporting community building to the existing Spring Lake Village campus. It would be located on the property owned by Front Porch bounded by California Highway 12, Los Alamos Road and Melita Road. The proposed use is the same as the existing Spring Lake Village campus, namely an entrance fee, continuing care retirement community (CCRC) that would be licensed as a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) by the Department of Social Services of the State of California. (CCRCs are sometimes referred to as Life Plan communities.) Residents of the East Grove expansion would have access to the amenities at Spring Lake Village.

Who is managing the proposed project?

Front Porch Communities and Services (Front Porch), a non-profit provider of housing and services for older adults headquartered in Glendale, California, is overseeing the proposed project. Front Porch has assembled a project team of professional services firms to assist them in designing, permitting and executing the project: Rockwood Pacific Inc. (development management services); and locally-based members of the project team including Adobe Associates (civil engineering) and Gervais & Associates (planning services).

Why is Spring Lake Village no longer part of Episcopal Senior Communities or Covia?

Spring Lake Village is still part of the same organization that founded it. Originally known as Episcopal Homes Foundation, Episcopal Senior Communities changed its name to Covia in 2018. Covia affiliated with Front Porch in 2021.

What is the current status of the project?

Front Porch submitted a refined and updated planning application to the City of Santa Rosa in January 2024, in response to an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Previously, the City of Santa Rosa engaged GHD, a global engineering firm located in Santa Rosa, to analyze the project and prepare the EIR in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As part of the City’s review, the City is targeting May 16, 2024 for a Design Review Board hearing. More information regarding this hearing can be found through this link. (Please note that these public hearings may be rescheduled and/or discussions continued at a later hearing date. If you are interested in this hearing, we recommend that you periodically check the web address listed above.)

How can members of the public review the application materials?

The Draft EIR (DEIR) can be accessed at through this link. Scroll down to “Spring Lake Village East Grove Draft Environmental Impact Report”. When available, the City is expected to post information regarding the status of the application through this link. The Final EIR, which is GHD’s response to public comments on the DEIR, will be available for public review during the planning approval process.

What is the expected timeline?

The timeline on the development of East Grove depends upon a number of factors, particularly the review and approval by the City of Santa Rosa. If the City of Santa Rosa approves the current application submission, we expect to have more clarity regarding the timing and next steps. These would include but are not limited to completion of construction drawings, pre-sales and state licensing approval before finalizing financing, and breaking ground for construction.

Is it appropriate to develop these additional homes in an area that is at risk for wildfires?

Wildfires are a risk in many locations throughout California and the western United States where people wish to live. This project will have fire safety at top of mind. In addition to meeting the requirements of the California Building Code and CalFire directives, this project will meet the Santa Rosa plans, codes and Fire Department policies aimed at minimizing potential wildland fires. Examples include incorporating modern fire-resistant construction technology, maintaining defensible space and providing an alternate emergency vehicle access (EVA). In addition to building safety, the services provided by senior living communities add to the safety of older adults. As demonstrated in October 2017 and again in 2020, Spring Lake Village is ready and able to alert all residents and staff swiftly and to implement an orderly evacuation of everyone to a safe place for as long as is needed.

What is PG&E doing on the East Grove property?

PG&E built a new regulator station underground in the City owned road right of way. This new improvement is located adjacent to, but not within, the East Grove parcel.

How can we receive further updates on the project?

To be added to the distribution list to receive future updates regarding the project status, please send your name, address and email address to Susan Rockwood at