Covid 19 Information
For all inquiries email communications@frontporch.net
For all inquiries email communications@frontporch.net
Dear Residents, Colleagues, and Friends of Front Porch,
Front Porch continues to concentrate on the safety of our residents, staff, visitors, and more as we address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Even as we make adjustments in response to each new variant, our communities are providing a strong, safe, and supportive environment, thanks to the hard work and the generous communal spirit of our residents and staff.
All of our communities follow public health department protocols including mask and vaccination requirements. We continue to follow all testing and screening requirements set by the state and local jurisdictions.
Prior to your visit, please check with the community for their local safety protocols and visitor requirements. Counties and City Health Departments may vary, and your community will have the most updated information.
Front Porch strongly recommends that everyone be vaccinated against COVID-19. Our communities have hosted vaccine and booster clinics throughout the fall, providing added protection to residents and staff. The result of this effort is that vaccination rates among our residents and staff are very high. For those few who are not, we continue to encourage them to do so for their safety and the safety of everyone around them. Staff who have not been vaccinated are required to take extra safety precautions and receive frequent regular testing.
Residents, families, and staff are informed of any positive cases in their community, which subsequently may also impact the rate of testing, and the availability of some amenities and programs.
We continue to remind residents, staff and visitors of the basic safety guidance: mask up in public, wash your hands regularly, and maintain an appropriate physical distance. If you have not done so, please get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Once again, I want to thank everyone at Front Porch for your compassion, your courage, your flexibility, and your strength. We will get through this together.
Jeff Sianko
Chief Operating Officer
A message from Jeff Sianko, divisional vice president
As always, we are thankful for your commitment to the safety and security of everyone at Front Porch, residents and colleagues alike. All of us deeply appreciate your courageous response to the challenges created by COVID-19. We are also proud of the steps taken to insure a safe environment for all through the adherence to guidelines for washing hands, wearing protective face masks, social distancing, and screening all employees, visitors, and essential workers who enter our communities.
With the spread of the Delta variant, we need to continue to be vigilant and to follow local and state health and safety guidelines. Please follow the guidance of your supervisor as set by the community regarding additional safety requirements, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), or other requirements. If you are displaying any symptoms of illness, even if you are vaccinated, please notify your supervisor immediately.
This is a stressful and anxious time for everyone. If you need help or support, please reach out to your HR representative for assistance and resources. We encourage you to schedule time off, with your supervisor’s approval, to maintain your own well-being.
We need to collaborate and work as a team to be successful. Let’s focus on what we can do right now, work toward the future we want to create, and above all, stay safe. Thank you!
All Front Porch communities are abiding by state and county regulatory requirements, including requirements for masking, testing, screening, and visitor protocol. These may vary from county to county, depending on local circumstances.
If you are planning to visit, please contact the community in advance to ensure that you are aware of all visiting protocols.
If you are unable to visit in person, we encourage all friends and loved ones of residents to stay connected by phone, email or any other resources available.
Thank you for respecting these guidelines that are meant to keep one another safe.